
Addressing Regional Workforce Challenges

Workforce Connect Series

This series is supported by funding through the Government of Alberta's Northern and Regional Economic Development Program.

FMWBEDT is hosting a series of speaker + workshop events for local employers. We're bringing together thought leaders and facilitated workshops to share resources and tools to address workforce needs. The end result? Stronger business capabilities in FMWB.

Our 2021 Labour Market Study highlighted the challenges facing employers in the region, specifically issues with recruitment and retention and lack of knowledge of resources available for employers. According to the study, 33% of employers surveyed find recruiting qualified candidates difficult, with employment demand expected to increase by 18% by 2025. 61% of employers reported they had never applied for workplace resources. This low uptake represents a labour market issue as many businesses miss out on key tools to help meet goals and objectives while retaining staff.

The Workforce Connect Speaker Series is an innovative approach to workforce development in the region that aims to strengthen the local labour market by empowering employers through the provision of information and resources needed to accomplish business goals and objectives and better support employees, thus contributing to an overall robust economy. The Workforce Connect Speakers Series will assist businesses by increasing awareness of and access to information on various topics.

The project’s purpose is a better-informed workforce and better-resourced employers.

Learn more and register for these free sessions.