
New Resources for Rural Innovation

Partners announce Fort Chipewyan Makerspace

Mikisew Cree First Nation Education Authority, Wood Buffalo Regional Innovation Network, and Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism are excited to announce the upcoming launch of the Fort Chipewyan Makerspace. A grand opening event will take place on September 18 at 12:00pm.

A makerspace is a dedicated place for innovation. The Fort Chipewyan Makerspace will provide residents with access to computers and 3D printers, along with regular programs to learn how to use the equipment. The makerspace has a dedicated room in the Secondary School, which is attended by members of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Fort Chipewyan Métis Nation and Mikisew Cree First Nation.

Fort Chipewyan is an innovative community, and I see that firsthand in how we approach our education programs. This new makerspace will unlock more opportunities for all members of our community.

Kerri Ceretzke-Mercredi, Director of Education, Mikisew Cree First Nation Education Authority

The Fort Chipewyan Makerspace has been in progress since November 2023. Equipment arrived in the community in July, with setup taking place over the summer.

The seeds of the partnership started during our Momentum event last fall. A conversation with some of the team from Acden turned into a meeting with the Fort Chipewyan Secondary School, and the project took off from there. It really reinforces the value of networking and events in our communities.

Melonie Doucette, Director, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, FMWBEDT

The equipment is provided by the WBRIN through a grant from Alberta Innovates. The WBRIN launched Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo’s first makerspace at Startup YMM in 2021.

We know that people across Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo have great ideas, and these makerspaces are here to help make them a reality.

Jennifer Warren, WBRIN Program Manager

Innovation drives economic growth. It can create new products, unlock markets, and improve profitability. We’re confident that the Fort Chipewyan Makerspace will be a valuable addition to the community.

Lisa Sweet, Interim CEO, FMWBEDT

The grand opening of the Fort Chipewyan Makerspace will take place at 12:00pm on September 18 at the Secondary School. Members of the community are welcome to attend for equipment demonstrations, refreshments, and short presentations.


Geoff Person
Manager, Marketing & Communications
Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism
(780) 804-0132