Climate, cost, capacity and more

Your data center site solution

We have the resources to move quickly on your project.

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo has shovel-ready sites for data center projects. High quality connectivity paired with cool-climate savings and reliable energy are a smart investment. Our region has experience to help your project succeed.

Incredible demand

The growth rate for data centers continues to make headlines – especially following the incredible surge in AI training needs. The demand for sites that meet the complex needs for data centers is high, and Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo stands out as an excellent candidate.

The problem of investing elsewhere

The challenges faced by other locations are avoided in FMWB. Hotter climates, rising land prices, spiking electricity costs, site security, and other issues are pushing site selectors to identify stronger locations.

One issue is room to grow. With double-digit increases each year, data centers often require locations that can grow with them. This not only means available land, but talent and infrastructure capacity as well.

Power grid bottlenecks are also a concern. Clusters of data centers can present challenges to each step of the power supply chain from generation to transformers, switchers to power transmission lines.

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo is the solution to all of these challenges and more.

The energy advantage

FMWB is home to about 3 GW of total generating capacity, mostly through low-waste cogeneration facilities. Our workforce has the skills and experience to rapidly develop new capacity to support large projects.

The largest local customer for this power is Canada’s oil sands producers, which creates a unique advantage for data centers. By entering ‘behind-the-fence’ power generation agreements and situating a data center adjacent to the power generation site the price of electricity can be greatly reduced.

In-region generating capacity

3 gigawatts

July avg temp




Geology + geography for the win

At less than 20°C (68°F), FMWB’s average temperature in July is cooler than any other major North American city, and all other average monthly temperatures are under 20°C. Topography in the region has created shaded ravines that provide unique microclimates that provide added climate control.

Water is plentiful in FMWB. The Athabasca and Clearwater rivers meet at the Fort McMurray townsite. Over 200,000 gallons per second flow through the community. Water in FMWB has some of the lowest allocation rates in the province, meaning there are immediate opportunities for industrial operations.

Boreal forest covers much of our region, including Wood Buffalo National Park – Canada’s largest national park. Vast regions of undisturbed natural beauty are here for residents to enjoy and explore.

Secure sites = secure data

Safety and security are part of the workforce culture in FMWB. 24/7 site security is a regular feature of industrial operations in the region, helping to ensure industry-leading safety ratings.

This security culture is a valuable benefit for data center operations. Ensuring data is protected on site and online is a winning combination.

Room to grow

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo is huge – over 100,000 square kilometres. That’s bigger than Kentucky or New Brunswick.

More than 18,000 acres are available for development, including 1,631 acres that can be build ready in 3-6 months.

Talent you need

93% of the workforce in FMWB holds a diploma, certificate, or degree – an impressive stat that reflects the skilled talent pool in our region. Keyano College, a local postsecondary institution, attracts students from around the world. By offering a wide range of programs they are helping to train the next generation of talent.

Keyano College partners with local industries to design and offer credit programs necessary for developing and retaining local workforce. By aligning programs with the specific needs of regional industries, Keyano ensures graduates are not only ready to enter the workforce but are also positioned to drive innovation and fuel economic growth in our region.

Infrastructure is ready

CIRA-reported upload and download speeds are comparable to the major centres of Edmonton and Calgary. Gigabit capacity is available thanks to investments by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and utility providers.

Shovel-ready land

1,631 acres

Avg volume: Athabasca River

200,000 gallons/second

Investing in protection

FireSmart is a national program that helps to reduce the risk of future wildfire damage. Fire is a natural element in Alberta’s wildland ecosystems. FireSmart investments in vegetation management, development guidelines, emergency personnel training, community education, and other initiatives are contributing to protection for our community.

A smart, stable investment

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo is a safe investment in part thanks to the stability offered within Alberta, Canada. With a reputation for good government and a top-performing G7 economy, Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo is a well-placed investment.

Our municipal government is pro-business and works to reduce red tape. Incentives are available. If you are aware of a specific incentive elsewhere that would promote greater investment in FMWB please reach out. It may be a fit for our region as well.

FMWB is shovel ready

Land, power, workforce, climate – Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo is ready to contribute to the digital economy. Our network has the expertise to move quickly on your project. Reach out today.

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism

Jessica Pilgrim

Acting Director, Business & Investment Attraction